Arts and Letters Committee
The New York Alumnae Arts and Letters Committee's mission is to align with the mission and vision of the National Arts and Letters Commission, launched on September 24, 1973, under the presidency of 15th National President Lillian Pierce Benbow. Dr. Jeanne L. Noble, 12th National President (1958-63) and university professor, was named chair of the commission. Sorors Leontyne Price and Lena Horne were named co-chairs.
The ultimate goal of the National Commission of Arts and Letters has been to advance the black experience boldly, highlighting the artistic contributions of African American people of the past and present and elevating them to public attention with particular emphasis on the positive roles of Black women. The programming is carried out via the Delta Authors, Delta Red Carpet, Pride in Our Heritage, and Music Ministry subcommittees.
New York Alumnae chapter aligns and implements this vision through our many community programs (e.g., Sisterhood and Community Spotlight, Author's Corner, NYAC Book Club, and Delta Red Carpet).​​
NYAC Arts in Letters Committee in action!
For more information, send an email with subject
Jeannine Foster-McKelvia, MFA
Arts and Letters Committe, Chair
Qamar Said
Arts and Letters Committe, Co-Chair